All about money exchange and using a credit or debit card in shops, supermarkets and restaurants in Las Terrenas -Samaná , Dominican Republic.

The local currency is the Dominican pesos 🇩🇴
(DOP or RD$) . The smallest bill is 50DOP and the biggest is 2000DOP. And there are also 1,5,10 & 25 pesos coins. The local bars, restaurants and shops in Las Terrenas only accept cash. Paying for a smoothie or a coffee with your credit card is a ‘no go’.
But many ‘higher end’ restaurants and bars also accept Visa and MasterCard . In all supermarkets you can pay either in cash ,credit or debit card. There are many ATM’s in town and even at both supermarkets ( Lindo & Pola ) you will find ATM machines. Banco popular in the Main street has also a drive though ATM.
When withdrawing money, the machine will ask you how many ☞ “$$$” you need . Of course these are Dominican pesos and not US$ . Many first time tourist make the mistake of only withdrawing 100$ …which is only 2US$ , you wont get far with 100 pesos
Money Exchange
It is best to change your money in Las Terrenas and NOT at the airport, because the exchange rates are crazy over there ! You can change money in any bank in Las Terrenas ( don’t forget your passport ) or in the exchange agencies in town.
Paying in US dollars or Euros.
Most places accept US dollars and Euros. But you will get your change back in Dominican pesos
And of course the exchange rate will be a bit different than in a bank. Canadian dollars can only be changed in a bank or exchange office.